Are we going to see Black Friday on NAS? Get ready 200 + pips?!

By Dips007Trading
Volume profile analysis on daily timeframe
ALL facts we can see in the volume profile
for those who can analyse.

More detailed reasoning for MASSIVE
rebalancing to downside.

In the context of current 'upswing correction';
on 10.11.22 it's a classic ABCD corrective
move NOT long term bull trend change
(current recent POC has failed on 24.11.22
and Value Entry Low is the target of 118.62
to breach and hold red line) on daily and
noting it may not break easily and may
sideways move for days.

There are reasons to short SWING:

1. Fundamentals Context is they are lacking
a bullish case, which is why Nas has tanked
significantly already. On HIGHER timeframe
weekly and monthly it is still macro bearish.

The Market left the new bottom very abruptly
on a 'good news' report only to leave helpful clues.
The US is simply 'papering over' what it's
always been best at doing for 40 years!
There is data showing a slowing US economy
and other counties have started already it's
like taking medicine all the time and not
letting your body fight for itself to get better,
at some point in time reality will apply.. I leave
you to research other cross correlated
markets to see eg. transport and shipping
index, VIX, Dollar) . the so very aggressive buys, I see 3
naked POC's to downs side that normally get filled (market
always moves in balance) it's always about
balance, it's nature and part of life.

3. In fixed period volume profile in the
relevant period we observe a GAP in the
volume profile, which CAN mean BIG market
participants are left behind, I present to you the

The blue print left behind with the gap cannot be altered or
denied for all to see its not a secret at all to the
contrary it should be publicly viewable...
institutions look at volume profiles not
candlesticks. FACT: there is liquidity still there
waiting to be collected!

4. The way the gap occurred shows there
was a distribution node marked with yellow
semi circle. A deliberate liquidity grab to
downside (manipulated) below a very
important node, noting the highest levels of
activity in the whole profile at the LOW price
which it failed to reach leaving that massive
liquidity the orders or stop losses must have
been very large in order for that shift to
happen some institution lost a lot of money
on that

5. In the week prior ,volume profile on
3.11.22 the low is observable in the volume
in profile reverse C shape endorsed low
interest in price

both sides. This aligns very interestingly with
identifiable gap mentioned on 10.11.22.

6. We are in the formation of the 3rd wave
DOWN in an overall historically low market
and we are nowhere near real fair value

Clearly market has not spent time at those
gaps and it will return there one day;

Without proper higher highs with evidence of
clear bullish structures on Monthly and
Weekly cannot swing long.

The push up was part of W Pattern that got
way overextended on news (nonsense) now
getting ready to print M pattern to correct
back to the neck of the W which lines up with
volume profile!

The neck line is in the 50-68% fib = nPOC 1
@ 11720 area.

Our job is not to guess WHEN it will
return/drop the market does what it wants
when it wants playing out it's own tune BUT it
is our job to be AWARE of it knowing upside
potential is higher risk for a medium term
swing trade entry. Patience will be key. I am
Massively Bearish it pains me and waiting is

At some point in time my guess is up to today
or next week.

Please so tell me what you think any volume
profile analysts?
Beyond Technical AnalysisFundamental Analysis

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