
NCASHBTC forming bullish Butterfly | Upto 200% big move expected

By moon333
The Priceline of World's 440th ranked cryptocurrency out of more than 2300 cryptocurrencies Nucleus Vision (NCASH) is forming bullish Butterfly pattern and expected to enter in bullish potential reversal zone soon.

This potential reversal zone should be used as stop loss in case of complete candle stick closes below this zone.

Lets have a look on the NCASH priceline's move:

After initial leg (X to A) the A to B leg is retraced between 0.382 to 0.786 Fibonacci and then B to C leg is projected between 0.382 to 0.886 of A to B leg's Fibonacci projection and final (C to D) leg is suppose to be retraced between 127 to 1.618 Fibonacci for a perfect bullish Butterfly and then the price action will be entered in potential reversal zone of this bullish Butterfly pattern, then we can expect bullish divergence at any time which will lead the priceline between 0.382 to 0.786 Fibonacci projection of A to D leg, but after this bullish divergence if the candles sticks will be closed above 0.786 Fibonacci levels then it can also lead to the long term bullish move.
As per Fibonacci sequence method we can set our targets as below for mid term trade:

Buy between: 0.00000008 to 0.00000005 sats

Sell between: 0.00000010 to 0.00000015 sats

So this mid term chart has potential to give upto 200% big gains.


Atif Akbar (moon333)

The harmonic moves analysis involves hours of hard work and determination however the success of harmonic trading in fiat and cryptocurrencies is around 80% therefore it is always important that you follow any stop loss strategy while trading harmonic patterns I have also shared a stop loss idea in this article, the information in this article is for educational purpose only this is not intended to be investment advice, I have tried my best to catch the harmonic moves as per predefined classical harmonic bullish Butterfly pattern if you find any flaw or you have any suggestion feel free to share with me in comments section.