Monthly depressing stocks review

By MrRenev
I have been looking at stocks a little bit on the side, once in a while, for a long time.
Now I think I have to really get into it, the way I do things (the RIGHT way is the name I think),
I just look for good opportunities, I don't focus on just a few and try to force money out of the market (lol).

And with currencies, well... This:

Whereas stocks are always trending, their problem is they are quite correlated, but they are not all 100% correlated.
And with a buy only, odds are on our side, they tend to go up all the time, and risk to reward is assymetric (a gain of 50% is a loss of 33% way easier to go up 90% than down 90%, impossible to go down 101%, possible to go up... does not make a difference with 1% moves, but when we get at 10% and more, it makes a difference, you stop loss can have the same RR as usual but be super far, or be at the same distance as usual but you get a RR of 2 rather than the usual 1.5 for example).
Plus biggest possible loss is 100%... That's pretty nice. Go all in? Can't lose more than this.

On a general note, I think FAANG stocks topped and the bubble popped, but the stock market in general could keep going up.
It's expensive, it's dumb to invest now, but it was dumb in 1929 and 1999 too.
Every one that knows anything can see what a bubble this is, but dumb money is just that. They're irrational, they're stupid, and they can push the price 100-150% like in 1929 and 1999, because it all explodes down.

Stocks I am watching that I might trade in the next month or 2 - I filtered some just because it gets too redundant (correlation):
Philip Morris managed to recover, it retraced at the previous swing high (92.74/92.69) and that downtrend line, but it could just be cooling off before breaking.

I have a watchlist of 90 but they're all just going up or moving randomly.
Maybe I should look at penny stocks. Oh this is depressing.

I simply do not want to buy when indices are at all time high and P/E ratios are at 1929 & 1999 levels and all that... So going to miss out and have to wait... Can we get a new crypto bubble? That was really awesome.

I believe people that fail other than being simply not cut out for this / really bad fail, they probably overtrade or just look for opportunities when there aren't any, or the macro situation is not that great... If the stock market as a whole rallies some more well I'll look for buys but nothing long term.
In the meantime, just going to have to find other ways to make money.
That's all I got I just don't know other ways to trade.
Maybe I'll have to spend all my day in front of the screen and scalp I do have strategies for this but don't want to ... :(

I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad...
Hello darkness my old friend...
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