Monster Wave!

Japan is seeing some strength within their markets. I believe confirmation came after Prime Minister Shnizo Abe' and President Trumps meeting in Mar-A-Lago. Coincidence?... maybe.. maybe not. I believe the talks of strengthening Japans dominance in Eastern Asia along with the United States withdrawal from the TPP supplemented this move quite nicely. I love analyzing Japan because they have far less moving parts to their economy than we do here in the US. Nonetheless I do see Japans GDP advancing another 2% for the next two years (1-1.5% annually). The NIKKEI forming some beautiful momentum. It's been on quite the run. My projection is that they will top out around 22081 in the next two years. Slugglish growth is still growth... The Japanese Yen is also slipping against the dollar nearly a 10% since the beginning of the year. Wage growth could see a slight move up but not by much... All is good in the foreseeable future the only thing I worry about is their staggering Debt/GDP ratio (250.4%!) given their size it should be that high, but We'll keep that analysis at bay, and cross that bride when we get there. O Wakare! ( Farewell :)
Cup and Handle is well in tacked.
Nikkei 225 JPN225 CFDjpyJPYUSD

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