NIFTY JUN FUTURES - Elliott Perspective

Greetings Traders & readers,
ONE Happy news for all, from this month we are about to release FREE insights on NIFTY FUTURES for current contract, in the beginning of every month - starting today...!
As you can see from the chart we are about to discuss the analysis on NIFTY in weekly time frames
but before that lets also take as deep look at the monthly charts over here,
From which one can observe four consecutive months of Rally lifting it from the depressions of 2015
But the entire move as we have discussed is purely corrective in its existence.
Don't you think that the market is up for a correction now and lets have a clear insight about what's happening :
The Wave 1 as it is earlier described in previous Posts have been developing into an Leading diagonal and this consists of corrective waves replacing impulse waves in their respective places, here it is triple threes in weekly time frames as you can see from the weekly chart,
However we have something to be discussed in detail without which the analysis is incomplete and that is to dig deeper in daily charts and we have carried the same in our website with a Video explanation - A freebie, do check it out here,
( few Questions of users are also being answered in the video on Previous analysis)

Our humble request to all visiting our website/ trading view profile,
Please support Us - we are not charging for this analysis and we want to keep it that way, so lend us your hand as support...! share this post if you can, spread the word - a word from mouth is really helpful and like us in FB & Follow us in trading view

Thanks in advance...!
Thank you for reading the article
Dinesh - senior technical analyst
LeadBrains FSL - - Trading Education & training firm

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