Hello traders!
--We probably got tired of dealing with weak BTC stance. Overall market looks quite inactive due to newcomers 2020' 2021' class failing to understand how this crypto land works. Every crash comes with at least some sort of relief rally or reversal of the trend. There is no secret! always up down up down . This is the name of the game! as long as you finish the race ahead of others that is what it counts.
----I talked about this coin once before briefly. Right after I post the idea, Btc crashed heavy took whole market down with it. There was no secret with this kind of crash. However unlike other coins, netvrk was able to get back above $2 pre crash levels faster. Way faster
-----First of all at the moment market cap is ~60mil usd! This is really small figure which also means huge upside potential. Good successful average coin nowadays can easily reach 1 billion dollar valuation. If this happens, it is nearly 15x+ times growth potential.
------Second lets talk about NFT sales. Yesterday Netvrok nft sales land, avatars, transportation was a big success.10% of the royalties of the sales goes directly to creator which mean they can easily develop the metaverse program with that funding and help with the market valuation. Land sales alone on the first day exceed 1300 ether volume....!Roughly 3.2 million usd,,,,,
-------Hype around this coin is insane. Please go check their twitter page. I used to compare metaverse projects to sand or gala but this one I can not compare that way. Now I know what netvrk metaverse is capable of delivering!(many yotube videos, metaverse intro and demos etc)that is why I started to compare everything else to Netvrk!
---------For technical points, things are happening in wild portions so I am not going to pretend what happened to Btc few days ago. Nobody knows for fact. But what I know is Netvrk is shining above others and I am very much impressed. I have no affiliates with this coin but yet I feel like I am part of it! This is not a financial advice! Just get ready for the FUtuRe number one :))