Recently I decided to take a delve into the sector of the stock market that truly represents my personal interests, the performance PC hardware sector. I've been performing investigation into various companies such as NASDAQ:INTC (Intel Corporation), NASDAQ:NVDA (Nvidia) & NASDAQ:AMD (Advanced Micro Devices). In many peculiar ways, these companies are very similar but also have some startling differences. What caused me to publish this idea, despite the fact that I am trying to build up some reputation, is I was doing some comparisons between Nvidia and AMD as they are the 2 major competitors in the graphics card market which is currently in some state of paralysis. During my brief investigation, I was trying to identify which option would be a viable option for 3+ year investment. Through some comparison I've come to notice some surprising facts about each company.
First of all, AMD was not a competitive company for more than 10 years after their "birth". Around 5 years ago they were on the brink of bankruptcy, due to various factors including more debt than what could have been considered manageable or sustainable. Since then, Lisa Su was appointed CEO of AMD and pulled the company straight out of that sticky situation. Since then AMD has risen in price more than 1300 percentage points. The company has attained a fairly stable financial position and moderate PE ratio in comparison to its competitors. Considering its growth, the PE ratio and earnings per share are actually impressive.
Nvidia has been established for a significantly longer period of time and have diversified within the hardware market to try maintain their monopoly as best they can despite companies such as AMD coming along and "rocking the boat". Between these 2 companies, they are sitting at very similar positions in the present bull market (At least from the perspective of an investor seeking a diversified portfolio). Due to Nvidia being listed for a considerably longer period of time, they have had time to grow and their overall market cap is sitting at just over $800B whilst AMD is sitting at a quarter of this. Both companies on the other hand have very similar EPS of $3.28 (AMD) and $3.30 (Nvidia). Based solely on statistical indication, AMD will prevail as the best investment choice as they have maintained a considerably lower PE ratio versus Nvidia (47.93 AMD; 97.17 Nvidia) and the PE hints towards their future performance as it has done in the past.
Obviously a multiplier of 47 is by no means 'attractive' but in comparison nearly 100, I would far rather put my money in AMD especially considering how good management at AMD has become, the overall stability is reassuring from a speculative stand point.
TL;DR: AMD is looking to be the far more appealing investment versus Nvidia (lower PE, similar EPS considering stocks available and company capacity)