
LionTrade Nikkei 225 December Futures Contract

Nikkei 225 is currently trading at the 21860 level


Analysing the hourly chart, we can see a head and shoulders pattern has formed, with the neckline at the 22000 to 22250 level. When measuring the price from the head to the right shoulder, we can see a downward movement of 1543 points. When measuring this 1543 points downward movement from the shoulder downward, we see a drop from 21860 (current price) to 21591

Trading a USD account with LionTrade where the domestic currency is ZAR (Rand)

1 lot * 1 contract * 0.005 IMR * 21860 current price = JPY 109.30
JPY 109.30 / USDJPY 113.13 = USD 0.97
USD 0.97 * USDZAR 14.68 = ZAR 14.18 required margin

Potential profit is:
[1543 points / 113.13 USDJPY] * 1 contract = $ 13.6391 * 14.68 USDZAR

$ 13.6391 * 14.68 USDZAR = R200 profit

Potential Return:
[R200 / R14.68] * 100 = 1362%
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