
OCN - Only now am I a believer

By darth_bitcoin
This OCN chart is for Bittrex trading only, and does not include Kucoin's data which is more complete.

This coin has been falling since the airdrop fiasco back in the spring / early summer when OCN almost hit 500 satoshis before a going on a steep decline to its current price. That's 10x.

OCN is now retesting base support between 240 and 250. I know there isn't a lot of analysis for this chart, but I would like to make a couple of predictions.

Target 1: 80 satoshis
Target 2: 115-120 sats.

SL: 243

The price range is tightening, other altcoins are taking off, OCP airdrop going smoothly, I believe it's only a matter of time until some serious price action.

Good luck and best of trading. Not trading advice, trade especially carefully with OCN
Support between *40 and *50, typo
I just realized that 40 and 50 is a huge percent difference. If price falls below 49 and closes below it, this is a red flag. I'd say it could drop to 46, and that's at least 6% difference at these prices
Price still holding at 50. I don't look at the order books to see the buy and sell walls. Honestly, it's just a bunch of drama that doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. I watch price action and volume. That's it. Trade is still active
Not a good sign... I exited when price broke 48 and retested 48
Still an interesting trade. With this price down we could potentially see a bigger price move up. I usually don't like trading coins this small because the right pump could push the coin very far up.

Bottom line for me is I believe in it at these prices, I'm buying and holding OCN as a small percent of my portfolio. Last update for OCN.
Excellent trade, we reached up to 80% so far!

It might retrace a little, I hope you all have taken some profits. Another run could be due at any moment.

If you want faster, real-time updates for one of my favorite coins OCN, follow my twitter!
Update: Always believe in yourself!! Wow, I am happy with the trade, but wish I had kept a bit more in there.
Trading is always a balancing act, and I am always still learning :)
Congratulations to all of you who profited from this trade.
It has been quite the ride following this coin!
We seem to be consolidating at a relatively high price from our buy-in! I would put a stop at 150 right now, but I already sold out of the trade. Good luck to you all!
OCNOCNBTCodysseyodysseybtcTrend Analysis
