ORCL rose from its prior earnings which were not impressive. On the 180 minute chart,

price ascended to the second upper anchored VWAP band and dropped to the mean VWAP

band line in a standard Fibonacci retracement. Finally it turned upside and ascended to the

first anchored VWAP line. The POC line of the immediate volume profile of the past two

months is 113.9 and price is currently below it. RSI lines are near the 50 line and the green

faster line is below the red slower line. The predictive modeling algo shows a forecasted

regression line moving down on the approach to the earnings report after market close on

March 11th. My target on this short trade is 101 being the pivot low at the prior earnings of

December. This represents 10% downside. Accordingly, this is a one to three day trade covering

the earnings period and after seeking 10% in quick profit. The stop loss is set at 114 above the

near term POC line.
aistocksanchoredvwapBreadth IndicatorsMoving AveragesORCLpreearningspreearningsplaysoftwarecompaniessoftwarestocksVolume
