By Ranksworld
Today Ranks analytical crew has made a fundamental analysis of the Ozon company.

What's the matter? 🧐

Recently, OZON published the results of the 3rd quarter of 2022.

🟢 Analysts for the first time saw in the company's statements a positive free cash flow (money that the company can freely dispose of) 💰 in the amount of 864 million rubles (in the same period last year there was a loss of 14.5 billion rubles).

🟢 In addition, the company has demonstrated a colossal revenue growth of 98% in the period of 9 months 2022 to 9 months 2021, i.e. total revenue for the year will be about 2 times higher than in 2021.

🟢 Investors were also pleased with the dynamics of the number of active buyers, which increased 1.5 times in the period of 9 months 2022 to 9 months 2021.

🟢 And from the point of view of business development, the Ozon franchise entered the 🔝 3 most profitable with an investment of up to 1 million rubles.

🟢 And the latest news is that Ozon is going to open its representative office in China in order to provide wider access to Chinese goods on its marketplace.

After the report was published, dozens of different bloggers on social networks advertised Ozon shares as a great idea to buy. 🤑🤑🤑

🔴 Nevertheless, the company has not been able to get out of losses for at least 5 years, both in terms of operating activities and financial results.

🔴 The amount of loss per 1 share from 2018 to 2021 increased from -61 to -276 rubles. per share (4.5 times).

🔴 The overall Ranks score for the company is 25% out of 100%. First of all, this is due to the steady lack of profit.

🔴 Further, we cannot ignore the problems with the liquidity of assets, the current liquidity indicator is at 0.65, while the normal value of the indicator should be in the range from 1 to 2.

🔴 Moreover, the company is constantly forced to service a large debt, the amount of which is 11 times the amount of the equity.

In total, we have free funds in the 3rd quarter of 2022 in the amount of 864 million rubles.

At the same time, according to the data of 2021, the amount of accrued interest on the debt was 5.8 billion rubles (about 3.5% of revenue).

Thus, by the end of 2022, the amount of accrued interest will already amount to more than 10 billion rubles.

In such conditions, all of the above positive facts do not yet affect the fact that the company destroys the capital (wealth of shareholders) year after year.

Ranks analysts recommend investors not to succumb to emotional transactions and rely primarily on fundamentals and common sense.

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