
Ten X Pay Falling Wedge

By Raul_Dominguez

Ten X Pay Token is inside these beautiful falling wedge, that seems to be very close to finish. Which is bullish.


When we do break out of these falling wedge, the rise should be fast and furious, and with lots of volume. Not there yet, we could still be inside this pattern for a couple more days, but we are getting close to ending it.

Also, we have seen a positive MACD divergence over the past few weeks, where the price is falling while the MACD indicator is rising.

From an Elliot Wave perspective, Wave 1 rose from a low of $0.50 to almost $7.00, and we are ending Wave 2. If we ended Wave 2 around $1.50, and Wave 3 is 1.618 the distance of Wave 1, Wave 3 should have a price target of around $12.00. Which is about 8 times its current price.


Good Luck to You
Elliott WaveOscillatorsPAYBTCPAYUSDtenxpayWedge
