7.27.20 PCG Part 2 listen to part 1 first. This video might be frustrating at first. If it is, you should do your best, don't stress, just be patient. If you don't give up, you can find your way. I have had some great mentors...but in the end I do it my way... and that is what you will do. I am reflecting my efforts and my perceptions of the market, perceptions, not absolute facts ( but you listen at least once...imo). There may be something that I say that will trigger you in a significant way <<< more important to you than me ( this happened to me a number of times ). Honestly, for the "good" mentors I have had, if I asked what they think the most important information was that they imparted to me...I would disagree and have a different list for why they were important mentors for me. Take what you need...then more forward.
Beyond Technical Analysispcg
