6.18.20 I think this is a more clear description of the the market dynamics of PCG than the previous video that had value, but focused on different points. I had to give it some thought for why I was uncomfortable with my student's long trade even though it was a perfect chart and welll thought out....through the lines on the chart. This was an important video for me because I had to struggle through looking at the chart and the lines a little differently to justify my discomfort with this trade...as opposed to other trades which are much easier for me. TradingView is moving me to towards the bottom of the most listened to "education" in the past week despite "the numbers" which continue and the positive response that I have gotten from nearly 1,000 followers since I have started posting from October of last year. If they move me off the lists, I believe traders will not find my videos...which none of the people above me do not offer... to the best of my knowledge even though they are listed above me. This may be an oversight or other motivations...which I accept>>>but if you like the videos...please push the thumbs up button. If I get a sense that interest is falling off...I will spend my time in more productive ways. Many Thanks, Scott.
Beyond Technical Analysismarketdynamic_effects_on_traderpcg
