PHOT - Long MJ supplier

By BruceJohnsen
This company is ready to launch. The next Miracle Grow. The big money in the cannabis space will be made by the suppliers, bankers, middle men, pharma, CBD, etc.. Not the growers. Think corn... Everyone makes money except the corn farmer. Monsanto, Ethanol producers,
Just my humble opinion, not investment advice, educational purposes only.
On Friday 3-8-2019 GrowLife announced significant market and revenue growth throughout 2018, as Q2 2018 revenue increased year over year by 131.78%, Q3 2018 by 44.22%, and Q4 2018 by 112.25% over 2017 in the same quarter. Total revenue for the period ending Dec. 31, 2018, increased 86.49% over 2017.
cannabismjstocksTrend Analysis
