PINS - One of Potential Future Trending Business

By Jee_D
The world shocked by corona virus that kill 682.885 people around the world. Until now, this virus still spreading and haunting many country (mine including). So sad. People then making many policy to disrupt this virus and stop it to spreading again. One of the policies is social distancing that made many traditional business suffered and slow down global economy. In fact, triggered economy crisis in USA, and Europe.

But not all business down, some of them survive even growing nowadays. One of them is social media business. Here, I share about PINS, a code stock of Pinterest. Pinterest is a "social network" with boards. It is like you pin an image and short information on the board. Making people know what is your thoughts and ideas. A simple idea but can visualized beautifully by Silbermann. With the features like that, people can use Pinterest for make a catalogs and triggered shopping; data analysis by company to track the popular items among market to build their marketing strategy. So, generally, it has a potential future business. And with this corona virus and social distancing, this Pinterest growing more and more. Okay, now, lets see the chart.

PINS making bullish pattern, challenged 26-28. and all of sudden broke out with huge gaps.This reflected a urgency movement from buyers. And gives us a clue the potential future movement for this PINS. Now, buyers once again facing the strong resistance 34-36 of sellers territory. If they can breakout this resistance, and making solid ground after that, then, buyers has a high possibility can reach 57-58. An interesting target for this PINS.

So, make PINS as your watchlist and monitor its movement.

Stay blessed

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