Sometimes people do things without thinking about the possible consequences of their actions Bare with me,
let's presume someone recently joined TradingView. Le'ts call that person mister x and TradingView Q.
After a week or two Mister x got annoyed with the lack of free features of Q and decided to upgrade his Q account
and become a premium member. Hold on, wait a minute...I see you looking at the chart above and hear you thinking "wtf? for real? why bother? your charts
are useless!" and to be honest i can related to that thought but I'm not talking about me.
This problem i'm trying to explain is about Mister x and his Q account. Mister x en Q recently met so it's not like they knew each other for days or weeks or months nor for years or decades.
It was a freshly made alliance between two entities with no relations what so ever. So one day Mister x was trying to remember why the hell he even bothered to take a Q premium account in the first place.
Mister x don't even trade digital coins made from thin air. Strangely no one, beside myself, actually cares about Mister x and his Q premium account.Let this be a lesson for all those others Misters x's out there dreaming of wannabe a Premium Q.
