Be smart, while the not so smart market participants are “entertained” and make volatility dump/pump to reset their positions, you take advantage of it.
Volatility is your friend, not the ticker name! Tickers can be different — the point is the same, real money out of nothing with the faith of more foolish market participants..
Most people are so greedy (amounts are not important) that for them (such majority) any amount of deposit growth is small, so the “manipulator” (which in fact does not exist) gives out money in any amounts (figures) to achieve the required psychological effect of a change of opinion. Because he knows that the overwhelming percentage of the “market herd” will not be able to stand it (understanding the psychology of thinking and consumption) and will lose everything…
Remember, society can be divided into those who make money and those who create it out of nothing. Most people in or near the “pen” (doubt) cannot understand this difference. They don't realize that there is a very large niche of people in cryptocurrency who create cryptocurrencies from nothing. For them, the concept of expensive/cheap does not exist. While it is clear that the logic of the graph is taken into account, as is the redistribution of coins back into their hands in the “fear phase” (hoarding and surrendering).
To reiterate. Cryptocurrencies are trading instruments with which, on volatility, you earn real money that you can spend on goods and services, not something special. Volatility and market cycles are your friend, not the ticker name.