Ascending triangle forming on QRL. Let's see if we get a bull break. Here is a low risk setup assuming it stays above the ascending trendline. (Not trading advice.) ;)
Fun fact. Did you know you only need to win 60% of the time to be a profitable trader? How you might ask? Simple. Good R&R and high probability trades. Even if you have a 50% probability. (which you could get by tossing a coin.) It is possible to make money. Assume a reward of 100 and a loss of 50 when you lose. After 10 trades you'd make 500 dollars. (that's assuming 50% winning too.) Point is this stuff is huge. The key to being a successful trader in my opinion is this. Good R&R and taking high probability trades. Ask me to explain if you have any questions about R&R. I'll admit I have a few myself. That's why I love trading. Always always a lot more to learn.
I just want to bitch about something. Some people call others fake traders just because they haven't had the same level of success as them. Let me tell you something. If you have had success. Congrats! But the vast majority of us. 95%+ are struggling to improve with various degrees of knowledge and success. I don't call these people fake traders. I call them traders. Just because you don't make 7 figures doesn't mean you can't do TA. Ok end rant. Just had to get that off my chest.
QRL not looking bullish. Potential for a bounce around 4600 maintaining higher lows.
