ROUTE- long accumulation

By Osemka8
Charts that take long to develop are the ones that run the hardest once they get going. PA might seem boring, unattractive and makes you jump ship. I've made the same mistake with VRA and MATIC just before they went on a face-melting mission and I told myself I'm going to look for a chart that looked like those prior to their pumps. CHZ is another example.

All of these 3 coins have accumulated for around 650 days before expanding, so don't be surprised if you end up holding the coin longer than expected. We are currently on day 443 ranging.

Another observation we can make that it bottomed before all others on May 12th. Currently facing a breakout of the triangle.

Good luck to you all. I'm sure it will be worth it.
accumulationbullrunexpansionLONGrouteTrend Analysis
