Every one needs to see this

By MrRenev
"When a business makes money every one profits" Beep!
If your boss raises you by 5% and himself by 400% and prices go up 10% because central bankers are printing money you know what you are getting?
The short end of the stick. Right in your ***.

Gee... I wonder why there is such income inequality in the USA?
No clue! If only there were obvious events that accompanied periods of improvement and periods of deterioration.
If only it was "in your face" obvious.

Schools in 2020, still not teaching basic finance education.

A vote for Trump or Sanders is not going to correct this.
Do we have to go all the way to a new Hitler/Franco/Mussolini or can we do the right thing before getting there?
There is 1 simple quick solution and by looking at this chart we all know what it is.

The revolution can be very quick.

1 thing I need to explain: Equality went up (inequality down) a bit before the gold standard, it improved when WW2 started, WW2 started in late 1939 for europe (which impacted the rich in the US too), and USA joined the war in 1941 (which impacted the US rich a lot!).

The revolution can be simple, fast, and very efficient.
I wish all these antifa morons could understand this extremely simple concept.

Smartest head of state in the world Putin is hoarding gold the most (more than any other country).

Follow a history of failures and dum dums that are ahead because they had a huge headstart, or follow a master mind and just simple common sense really. Your choice.

Every fiat experiment in history has been a major failure.
Every "this time it's different" in history has also been a major failure.

This is simple. Schools spend thousands of hours on useless stuff that people won't ever use.
This takes a few minutes to see read and understand. Every body needs to see and understand this.

If you want to read more the internet is full of articles going into more details. Here are some links:

By the way, alot (most) of the USA wealth comes from their dollar being the world currency, and them being able to print it out of thin air and buy foreign goods with it.
But now the scam has run out of time. The end did not come from outside, but from the inside. Their own people cannot even afford paying rent and buy food on debt.
The show is over, the USA have no good solutions. If they keep the scam running (as they are) their country will collapse and heads WILL ROLL, if they stop the scam, their free wealth vanishes.

It's over.
SARS in 2002-2003 was way worse than covid-19 (the virus in itself).
But it had a much smaller impact. The only difference I see (and this is what experts say) is that back in 2003 international travel was much smaller than today, today we are pretty much a borderless world.

There could be a major breakthrough in virus research/vaccine and cure production, or we could get better at containment, maybe divide the world in regions...

But right now what appears most likely is a huge surge in nationalism.
And because of income inequality socialism that is already very high keeps going up.

YAY! National Socialism!
The NAZI are back, soon, to a theater near you, and also every public place near you. With guns.

Rip it's over.
djiaeconomyFundamental AnalysisincomeinequalityS&P 500 (SPX500)ww3
