As Deflation Hits the Economy The Price of TIPs Should Fall

Earlier in 2022 I got some Bullish Exposure to Deflation by positioning Bearishly against TIPs (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) as can be seen here:
Treasury Inflation Protected Securities Look to be Topping Out

Fast-forward to today and we can now see the CPI declining and the TIPs declining even faster, This ETF Tracks the price of these TIPs and we can see that it is breaking through support even though the CPI has only retraced half way. If the CPI continues on this path and the Bond Market continues to price in Long Term Deflation, we should then see the pricing of this TIPs based ETF come down crashing in a big way. If that does happen, I would target at least the 1.618 Fibonacci Extension.
bondsdeflationFibonacci ExtensionFundamental AnalysisinflationlongtermdeflationTIPTIPStreasuriesTrend AnalysisWave Analysis

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