Quick post Silver Head and Shoulders

Very quickly, there is a head and shoulders, and a very quick target based on full performance. Two very long term SMAs set up support and resistance.

Wide Shot here
Price action continues to struggle to get above the 400w. With the SPX looking like it is finally legging its way down off of protest and riot fueled Virus concerns.
A hit of the play button on the original post shows that price action is once again against the neckline, almost perfectly. I cloned each of the arcs so the period is the same length so if the formation breaks downward on the Sunday open I would be quite pleased that it happened a early.
Hit play above and see that we are retesting the neckline of the head and shoulders. This generally predicts a weaker move but I still have a high degree of confidence that price action will go to the 1000w SMA.
Chart PatternseverythingbubbleMoving AveragesSilversilvershortSupport and Resistance

And I promise every Floridian that you will all be rich... because we're gonna print some more money! Why didn't anybody ever think of this before?

~Nathan Explosion
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