Silver versus BLX (Bitcoin)

The Technical Analysis
  • The Price action & MACD both on log chart
  • RSI had a technical double bottom and price action set a higher low
  • MACD moving upward upward
  • Triangle due to break out
  • RSI very likely to swing to oversold based on history

Fundamental Analysis
  • Yield curve inversion
  • Greenspan says NO BARRIER to treasury yields going negative
  • SPX only up 5.3% in two years
  • SPX in a broadening channel, see linked post
  • Foreign indexes set lower highs already
  • Trade war
  • Brexit
  • Hong Kong
  • US Farmers at highest rate of default in 20 years
  • Baltic Dry index setting highs after over 5 years
  • you can put silver in a sock and beat some to death with it, but can't do that with bitcoin

Imma go big back into crypto when I see the inverse of this chart. But right now precious metals are back on the menu.
If you follow me but not my silver/bitcoin post I highly recommend you follow this post, just so you can hit the play button with me once a week or month.
Fundamental AnalysisOscillatorsTriangle

And I promise every Floridian that you will all be rich... because we're gonna print some more money! Why didn't anybody ever think of this before?

~Nathan Explosion
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