One of the best long-term performers in the stock market is the semiconductor sector. With a strong likelihood that AI will change the world in the next 10-20 years and disrupt every other industry, there are big profits to be made in semiconductor companies that are heavily invested in AI research and provide the processors to power it.

That said, the current price point on SOXL is pretty high, so it makes sense to look for a lower entry. With the market (and especially the Nasdaq) turning downward this week on China trade war news, I've developed a scaled entry plan for SOXL. There are four entry points: the recent highs around 198, the high-volume node at 159, and the recent lows near 131 and 90. Normally I triple my position at each level, but I doubt we'll hit the bottom two targets on the current trade war news, so I'm weighting my entries a little more toward the two upper ones. I already made my first entry this morning near 198.
Looks like the first buy target is all we get for now. Good thing I weighted my entry plan toward the two higher targets!
AIcomputingetfsleveragedsemiconductorsSupport and Resistancetechnologytradewar

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