SPX Bearish Scenario (Daily chart)

By JamesBrown
Price closing below the support zone (yellow rectangle) is already a fairly bearish sign. That said, it's a very bearish (short-term) sign if price re-tests the median line (red downward slopped line) of the smaller, down-trend, pitchfork that I drew on the chart.

If that were to happen, a trade could be planned off of the correction to that median line test. Ideal entry would be a re-test of support (turned resistance) zone, especially if it happens in confluence with a test of the 1.0 pitchfork level (first solid black line above the red median line).

If you zoom out, you can take a look at the long time-frame up-trend pitchfork. You can see that it was strong trend by all the median line tests. If the -0.5 level (first dotted line below the up-slopped red line) is breached, this is bearish behavior, considering that this level has held through so many tests.

I drew out what I consider to be a fairly high probability price path, IF the median line test happens.
Bearish PatternsbearsignaldowntrendPitchforksshortshortsetupSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)
