Looking for some kind of top (shorter term/longer term?) Monday or Tuesday.
We'll elect a 50% Short/Hedge at 3523 - 3526 (1st resistance levels, Monthly & Daily, respectively)
or better, if seen, with a stop on a close above 3576 for now.
- We elected a 50% short/hedge position (3rd short/hedge position) at 3384 or better with a stop on a close above 3420.00. Stopped out at 3431.28 for an effective 0.70% loss, bringing our total losses to ~ 2.0%
- We were stopped out of our 1st 50% short/hedge position from 3180.70 (25%) and 3240.65 (25%) for an effective
0.65% loss.
- We were stopped out of our 2nd 50% short/hedge position from an average entry of 2161.66 for an effective 0.29%
loss, bringing our total loss on our short/hedge positions taken to date to ~ 1.30%.