SPX are you still shagging the screens? Do not forget Monday!

By wildcreamlife
I've told you and I hope you're still in it with a nice profit. If you want to celebrate do it with respect, because do not forget, millions of people, most of them Americans are losing their money.

This trade was based on risk and remember what I said about it:

While big investors start to jump out of the train they kick off a bearish move... Why?

The answer is harder than you think, but at the same time, it has a logical decision. Since some months ago I shared with some friends about this risk, but the market just went higher over and over.

You know I like to apply maths to my trading, but at the same time history, actually economy is a social science, so as history repeats itself economy do as well.

Watch out, I'm not talking about will happen tomorrow or next week, but is something to keep in mind...

A crush could come pretty soon because factors are more than one.

1. History
2. Currency War
3. War as the worst way we know
4. Real Correction

1. History: I already said history tends to repeat itself over and over. In 1928 everyone was very enthusiastic and even taxi drivers and shoeshine boys bought stocks without any preliminary knowledge, except by some conversations with Wall Street's people. Economy was growing to massive pace, but with an overpriced market. Calvin Coolidge as pro-business President, he went for Anti-regulation and TAX CUTS. Sounds familiar?.

2. Currency War: Currently happening.

3. War as the worst way we know: War is absolutely possible if Trump makes a mistake with North Korea, I hope not, but it definitely will hit American economy and with less budget for tax cuts, less money for the government.

4. Real Correction: Real correction is based on the cyclical economy in my case, I support the cyclical adjusted price-earnings ratio, which is coming higher from last 10 years.

However, I love America and I hope to be wrong.

Black Monday for S&P 500 or coming close to Black Tuesday

Definitely you'll be shagging to S&P 500

While your broker is telling you, don't worry actually we are buying more, even me! Well, it's because they are broken if everybody takes their money out.

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Good enough as it should!

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Cream Live Trading, Best Regards!
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I know some analyst on tv they already drew the bearish triangle pattern, but just now, we can draw one, why? Because conditions aren't met before. However, keep in mind the lines, they are there to be accurate!

Learn how to beat the market as Professional Trader with an ex-insider!

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Cream Live Trading, Best Regards!


Learn how to beat the market as Professional Trader with an ex-insider!

Have a good Trading Week!

Cream Live Trading, Best Regards!
Beyond Technical AnalysisSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend Analysisusspx500Wave Analysis

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