SPX vix results refelected on this chart PAIN & GAIN

By samitrading
It might sound crazy, but if history is relevant to today's bull market. Then, we could see a bull market the likes of which no one have seeing in our live times. But,
what about if we do not ???? what about if we get some of the less readings. time will tell the story. CHARTS FOR THOUGHT !

wish you all the best.
Today, marked the largest decline in the past 16 years of all pullback after a D. Cross
of VIX. The largest decline was 3.83 % in 2012 !. Today we stand @ 4.43 % down !

wish you all the best.
Indeed Bull's are having the run of their life time as suggested in the green box.
Beyond Technical Analysisdeath-crossdeathcrossTechnical IndicatorsSPX (S&P 500 Index)spx500analysisspx500forecastspxanalysisspxchartspxforecastTrend AnalysisVIX CBOE Volatility Index
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****** Past performance is no guarantee of future results***

