sp500 One more Bullish week? 2298

SP500 Daily Chart

It appears that we are in our micro wave 5 move to complete this bigger wave 3. That's how I see it anyways. And I think we can make it to almost 2300 before the DCL rollover. It just never seems to be able to make it all the way through those milestones marks the first time. If you zoom out you will see my little cycle indicators and if you zoom out further you can see the larger cycle indicators. But these seems to shift overs the years. But it appears to be about right for the present. I posted the RSI and you can see that even if we do make it to 2300 range, we are likely to have a bearish divergence. What is really scary is if you jump to the monthly charts, you can see a huge bearish divergence on the RSI from back in early 2015 to the present. When that will play out is a guess but I still think we climb to 3000 in late 2019 before the crash. And I think the November 2019 Presidential Election will be the Catalyst. That's is just my crazy long shot opinion. So looking for at least one more up week for the Markets. Dow will break 20,000 this time. Its ready, I can feel it.
SPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) SVXYUVXYVIX CBOE Volatility IndexVXXXIV
