es, spy, day trading for Sep5th

As stated yesterday I mentioned we are poised to move higher and in the overnight we did just that, and the identical structure is shaping up again so if not in the days session the over night tonight probably takes us higher again. we have a 25 point consolidation range that might give some nice trades and will be looking for 2 things today. First a impulsive opening move up that will be a set up for a long. and second a pull back to the mid 2950 area for a possible long entry.

In the event both of these ideas are not right then after direction is established will look for a mid action retrace to get short or long depending on how the break occurs

Trading view SPX500 is trading 2 points lower than the actual numbers posted on the chart, the numbers plotted are ES
Trade active
Talk about a impulsive up move, this move did not give lots of entry locations other than just jumping on. I saw one event I could trade on YM and took it. so now will be looking for a retrace back to 50% or vwap and see if I can find a nice spot. also will follow some on the run triggers for longs. will try and provide heads up, but can only do that after paying members get the heads up first.
ESS&P 500 E-Mini FuturesIndicesSPX (S&P 500 Index)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Support and Resistance

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