
The future of the SPY

based on fib pattern analysis i've been working on for around 2 years this is the beginning of a belief i can nail down the path of the future based on observations the next couple of months. on this chart timing is not accurate but the circles that hover over lines have some important factors to consider. all orange circles are possible retracements but none are guaranteed. on the flip side the green circles hover over lines that will be 100% achieved with the white line being the possible end of this bull run up. this will go to the end of the year and if i have timing right already which i don't claim to, look for spy 505ish by end of year. spoiler alert, at this point i have spy at 160 in two years but that's without enough info to make a real assessment. i am positive about the targets above and drew price levels so you have an idea. also drew a line at the highest point the spy has ever reached on that particular RSI indicator. my guess is we will be kissing it at the 505 or upper white line target whenever that is achieved by.
