SP500 Fib Modeling I

By fract
In physics, when charged particles are fired at double slit, chances are they will leave 2 marks as they would go through 2 slits. Those waves of uncertainty crash into each other and interfere, merging and canceling each other out just like any other waves. Then, when an electron's wave hits the back screen, the particle finally has to decide where to land. Slowly, electron by electron, the wave pattern builds up. Our expectations can be evaluated by checking the results. But results can change by simply witnessing the process closeup. An intervention of consciousness can alter reality. Particle as we know started behaving like wave as if they were aware of being watched. snapshot So each time particle is fired, it becomes a wave of potential as it approaches the slits and through the quantum world of infinite possibilities finds its final destination. As a result we get interference pattern, the mark that commonly shared by targets of particles after going through such chaotic journey. snapshot The electron can go through both slits as wave of potential, then it collides back forming particle hitting the layer! Act of additional measuring by repeating experiment can make the particle act normal again with two stripes pattern. From this I'd outline the sharp changes in behavior as well as shift in entity itself. The collapse of wave function caused by particle's awareness of ongoing surveillance can in some way mean that matter is a derivative from consciousness. And these are the building blocks of universe, where things can simply appear and vanish without evident reason.
Removed irrelevant fibs:
Fibonacci Ratios found in regular Retracement as well as TimeFibs fit the parameters of Wave Function. The overlap of Golden Ratio with real life example of interference pattern formed by two slits using regular white light as a source.
I was pleased to acknowledge that Fibonacci numbers with its known features are also applicable in Quantum Mechanics, when we're dealing with the odds, probabilities and forecasting. This observation actually adds more credibility to FIBS and explains my long fascination over price behaving differently near fibs in one way or the other.
Wave-particle duality is an example of superposition. That is a quantum object existing in multiple states at once. An electron, for example, is both ‘here’ and ‘there’ simultaneously. It’s only once we do an experiment to find out where it is that it settles down into one or the other.
Today we know that this ‘quantum entanglement’ is real, but we still don’t fully understand what’s going on. Let’s say that we bring two particles together in such a way that their quantum states are inexorably bound, or entangled. One is in state A, and the other in state B.
The Pauli exclusion principle says that they can’t both be in the same state. If we change one, the other instantly changes to compensate. This happens even if we separate the two particles from each other on opposite sides of the universe. It’s as if information about the change we’ve made has traveled between them faster than the speed of light.
This makes quantum physics all about probabilities. We can only say which state an object is most likely to be in once we look. These odds are encapsulated into a mathematical entity called the wave function. Making an observation is said to ‘collapse’ the wave function, destroying the superposition and forcing the object into just one of its many possible states.
Arranging the fractal by phases with fibonacci on both price and time scales is an alternative approach to the known quantum mechanical solutions to finance, thus relying on a postulate that quantum mechanics applies to finance unchanged. For market prices, it is important to note that nowadays we are looking at a lot of noise when handling them. In financial markets we are dealing with infinite possibilities emerging patterns which also creates chaotic process just like in subatomic levels. On molecular scale, we know that elements don't just react without a reason. It can bond with other elements if it shares corresponding properties of valence. When it matches the electron configuration, it bonds into new compound generating geometric shapes like hexagon of new chemical structure, like shapes of puzzles unite to resemble a bigger picture.
Similarly, as market makes a move, it determines next candle's dimensions. If previous candle hypothetically had different properties, then the current candle wouldn't be the same it's forming right now. I'd say even the slightest change can significantly delay or change targets and outcomes. Price action also rhymes with time cycles. Sometimes these cycles of different wavelengths overlap resulting in breakout with short-term rapid growth rate.
To get an approximate idea of where price is heading to, we must carry out a thought process. Let's assume market is heading up. We know that chances of a rapid pump to establish new ATH in one day is very low. We assume it's rather going to start with gradual growth when breaking from cyclic entangled side trend. Imagine the candles are made out of metal string so you could touch it and play with it according to all laws of physics just like with a regular piece of metal wire in real life. Now imagine just grabbing the right end of it and pulling upwards to simulate shape unfolding into direction of your target... Nevertheless, various fragments of final structure would still carry its systematic shapes which were originally determined by the market.
In both cases these is a psychological effect, almost convincing me, that the market path is predetermined by trajectories of EMA with intermediate arguments rather than by short-term direction of a wave a spike and collapses. And it's not about the overall performance of the economy or any other factors, market simply derives the path on the go like in multi-universe concept.
The fact that >90% of people are losing is a result of sticking to the current market information noise and news. chances are market simply would have already reacted to the narrative even long before entries were placed. That's how fast things are happening. This happens when market is correcting to other "upcoming" more dominant arising fundamentals whether they are positive or negative. The curve of information distribution speed is vital concept which contributes to ignoring the naive need for information backup behind price moves. Many serious participants of the market are deaf to news. Whatever we receive, we must acknowledge that by the time we receive the news, millions of people already digested those them provided by some media company with their own angle in it. News trading is a very hysterical thing to do, unless you are among the first wave of investors possessing the information from real insiders. The lots and billions of entries in favor for the narrative are already locked in and they are waiting for the last remaining crowd to jump in to be kill them at 5th wave. Considering an accumulation should be after completing a fall. We must feel comfortable at places where the rest still feel fear in order to be able to beat them off due to averaging trades without blind faith.
Modern approaches to stock pricing in quantitative finance are typically founded on the Black-Scholes model and the underlying random walk hypothesis. Empirical data indicate that this hypothesis works well in stable situations but, in abrupt transitions such as during an economical crisis, the random walk model fails and alternative descriptions are needed. For this reason, several proposals have been recently forwarded which are based on the formalism of quantum mechanics. In this paper we apply the SCoP formalism, elaborated to provide an operational foundation of quantum mechanics, to the stock market. We argue that a stock market is an intrinsically contextual system where agents' decisions globally influence the market system and stocks prices, determining a nonclassical behavior. More specifically, we maintain that a given stock does not generally have a definite value, e.g., a price, but its value is actualized as a consequence of the contextual interactions in the trading process. This contextual influence is responsible of the non-Kolmogorovian quantum-like behavior of the market at a statistical level. Then, we propose a sphere model within our hidden measurement formalism that describes a buying/selling process of a stock and shows that it is intuitively reasonable to assume that the stock has not a definite price until it is traded. This result is relevant in my opinion since it provides a theoretical support to the use of quantum models in finance. Fibonacci ratios are another way of exposing the probability of future prices in respect to timing.
Even when overwhelming majority of people expect growth after good news with obvious positive factors, price can fall and expectations of millions can easily be shattered by market in an action. Identifying patterns is a part of making sense of out of randomness. There is a logical parallel: If an observer can collapse wave function, same way the collective consciousness of market crashed the wave function of uptrend. This happens and quite often.

Some people incorporate prime numbers to their trading systems. But of course I'd stick with fibonacci, because golden ratio governs chaos behind price swings as well as its time cycles derived from coordinates of fractal peaks and bottoms. I put tremendous amount of accent on raw data of candles. It doesn't just stop where it does, it is predestined to do it due to chain of cause and effect loop. New formed candles of particular metrics is a direct result of nearest historic candles and mathematical relationship shared between all of them. The way things are curved in nature and space, even exponential growth can be perfectly simulated with fibonacci sequence. Fib ratios are credible as they share and fit into concepts from fractal geometry and chaos theory as well as describing behavior of complex processes. A line simple line can be used to link of some recent buildup of systematic patterns to similar historic fractal echoing back into present.
A properly observed shape can tell more words than any news article, as it passes through the phases of cycle. By documenting nature of short-term swings we can evaluate how market is determining the most efficient price having continuous stream of information, different opinions, events and other factors on the background can directly or indirectly shape the value of an asset. Patterns can tell whether collective psyche of the market feels distrust or approval of ongoing narrative and world trends are unfolding.
It's quite easy to say "buy the dip" or "buy at the finishing stage of falling". It sure takes a good combination of decisiveness, discipline and being able to stick to your plan. But how can we be so sure that price will follow the direction after entry. To answer that question, I'd monitor the security with BSP - "Buying & Selling Pressure". snapshot
During selloff SP is obviously over BP. We wait till SP loses momentum and declines while BP begins grow. This way we got ourselves interested.
Then we examine the hypothetical entry by chain of logical confirmations.
We actually need to wait for Buying Pressure to cross over Selling Pressure.
IF bpma > spma is true, confirm with:

If all of the conditions are met in a row, wait for correction to complete, see the Selling Pressure falling and enter with the next green candle. Meeting just 1 of these conditions would technically push me into placing a long order. However, I wouldn't do it without fabric of PriceTime scales interconnected with candle data by fibonacci ratios. Refracted EMA can also be a tool of choice to determine the levels support and resistance. Personally I'd go with fibonacci, because they are based on raw chart data instead of averaging with MA's and its derivatives.
demandandsupplyzonesEconomic CyclesFibonacciFractalquantum

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