What do these 32 companies and unborn babies have in common?

By Johnny_Nickles
They didn’t pay income taxes in 2018. In fact, these 32 companies were paid by the United States government $10,531,480,000 to operate their businesses. The unborn babies were paid $0. That is a $10.53 billion dollar tax refund with your money. Your tax dollars were collected by the IRS and then given to these 32 companies. Each one of these companies was profitable in 2018, yet American tax dollars were given to them to add to their profit margins. The average CEO total compensation of these 32 companies in 2018 was $14,212,618. The average employee pay at these companies was $89,594. CEO hourly rate works out to be $6,833. Employee hourly was $43. These CEO’s believe their value is 170.65 times greater than the average employee. Each of these CEO’s would need to work 16.15 total hours to make your annual salary. They need to work 2 days when you need to work for an entire year. If you make $20 per hour at one of these companies the CEO would need to work 6.09 hours or an average Friday, to make your annual salary. Welcome to our American dream.

Who is the winner of the Greediest Pig Award you ask? Leslie Moonves of CBS. He is no longer the CEO but was paid $46,416,750 in total compensation in 2018. Leslie’s employees were paid the least on the list as well at $60,000 per year. Every 2.69 hours Leslie worked he earned the average annual salary of his employees. He made your annual salary during a round of golf on Friday when he left early. Leslie believes he is 773.6 times more valuable to CBS than his employees. As opposed to paying taxes like every American is required to do, Leslie was able to obtain $358,000,000 from Uncle Sam and add it to his profit margins.

We, the 99% put these CEO’s in positions of power by buying their products, we can also remove them. I am staging a boycott of every company listed in this document. I will never spend a single penny on their products again. I would never work for any of them either. Our votes matter less in general elections than super delegates. The true power we hold is where we decide to spend our money. These 32 companies and CEO’s are shitting on you; let’s return the favor and stop giving them money.

But Johnny, they are paying what the law requires them to pay! That is correct; none of these companies are doing anything illegal via taxation. However, what is missing from that argument is how much they spend on political donations and lobbyist. Our 1% friends pay money to make the laws benefit the 1%. Our government is corrupted by money, it has been that way for my entire life.

When I invested in real estate, I learned about our tax code. Businesses can write off most expenses prior to paying taxes. Individuals are required to pay taxes before they get their paycheck. I understand the need to help businesses grow via less tax liabilities. However, these 32 companies are all profitable and pay their executives disgusting amounts of money. Thanks to our current tax code some of their profits came from your bank account whether you like it or not.

I’ve done some research on other countries and found the Scandinavian countries are continuously rated as the happiest places on earth. I had to figure why they are so happy. A few things Norway does better. Their minimum wage is nearly $42,000 per year. Their government balances its budget every year with an oil fund worth nearly $1 trillion which the 5.5 million citizens own. Every employee is paid above a living wage. They work 30-37 hours per week. Free higher education and health care. The government is run like a private company with the public interest being a priority. It is one of the safest places on earth. Think about it, people are paid well so they don’t have to resort to crime to feed their family. They are not socialist they are democratic. The greedy wage gap is much more balanced. The corruption relationship between government and businesses is nonexistent in Norway. Their government truly cares about the population not just 1% of it. I will be traveling to Norway next year to see for myself why they are so happy, this might be a one-way ticket.

But, but, but they pay higher taxes! Thanks again little Billy, you are correct. Norway has higher taxes. But ask yourself, does it sound worth it compared to the US?

The people listed in this document are directly responsible for financial inequality in our country. They pay themselves excessive salaries and siphon public tax dollars to add to their profit margins. Our politicians are helping this disgusting greed take place. In fact, our politicians are becoming wealthy with this process. Members of the US congress make $174,000 per year not to mention the millions in political donations. I think our politicians should get paid the federal minimum wage then it might increase. Like and share if you agree our politicians are paid too much for the job they are doing for all Americans.

If you are a member of the 1% and happen to read this article, be a good human and distribute the wealth. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around. The more you invest in your employees the more gains you will see. Or you can just follow the trend of your rich cronies and continue to widen the wage gap. Are you a leader or a follower?

I suggest using the CICO report here on Tradingview. The CICO measures the sum of new money into and out of the markets. Don’t let manipulated emotions from fake headlines run your portfolio, use math. I hope the CICO helps you take your money back from these clowns. We are seeing a breakout of an upward trend on the SPY. It looks like a good time to buy until it isn't. The markets can and will change drastically without notice from our friends. They will panic and take their money out without notice, always be cautious with your money.

The full detailed list of the companies can be found on the link. This post is meant to be informational and I never condone violence. However, let's stop giving them our money. https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=82024D1732EBF708%218379&ithint=file%2Cxlsx&authkey=%21AGACg6RGfjJd8BM
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