Hello my name is next week and i'm overbought right now.

my dearest **** u to feds for raising rates and draining my puts. i love it.

From technical analysis POV, i believe selloff should occur next week. However, with the news of US and Mexico reaching agreement to avoid tariff, this produces bullish signal; enough to ignore the current price level being overbought - which now if demand overwhelms the market next week then for sure SPY will be EXTREMELY overbought. This news may be enough to break 288 on Monday. Future is currently at 2877.75.
Futures up 2890.12 as of 6/9/2019 at 6:00 PM EST (7:00 PM EST NYC)
ihatefedsTechnical IndicatorsmymoneygoneratecutwasntsupposedtohappenSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend Analysiswherediditgo
