SP500 Entanglement of Price Action

By fract
Fibonacci interconnectedness of impulsive and corrective waves.
Since Time is taken into account in terms of angles, the Fibonacci channels derived from multi fractals simulate phenomenon of the order in chaotic price action.
More like projection of Levels of Probability like in QM, where Interference Pattern derived from waves of probability in Double Slit Experiment.
Nevertheless, I would never accept that price unfolds because of the very act of measurement that assumably collapses the wave function and makes it behave accordingly. I'm implying that price formation just like fabric of reality itself is not deterministic but probabilistic.
In charts, the fabric of PriceTime is continuously curved by the price action itself. That's why even after dramatic rise of volatility the price would end up at certain random levels but distinctive to domestic chaos and frequency of reversals.
FibonacciFractalquantumechanicsWave Analysiswaves
