After much deliberation, I adjusted my current market opinion somewhat. Basically, I am still bearish about the current events and get my idea of ​​the last 5th movement in the bearish direction realistic. However, the following scenario should also be kept in mind and not be surprised by certain bullish tendencies:

The governments and central banks of the countries or economies will provide any liquidity that is needed.
There is no tactic and debt avoidance, like in the financial crisis in 2009 or the Greek crisis in 2012.
Therefore, the market itself reacts to negative data with positive price jumps, since it is assumed that further relief measures will be provided.

THIS CAN WORK, BUT THE FALL IS ALWAYS ENORMOUS, because when one link gets out of joint, it pulls everyone down. No country is currently allowed to face acute payment difficulties. In addition, it is still possible to argue whether all negative economic effects have already been sufficiently priced into the courses.
