What a waste of capital - A market in denial

Hi folks!

I really think that the bullish trend is broken and that the market will soon realize that the pricing is built on easy money and Bigger Fool bets very soon -
tight movie theatre door etc etc.

The end of a market cycle is always a fool's game - the smart money is gone and only those in denial are left trading for the great honor of holding the bags.
I believe that is exactly what is going on in the moment: The only actors left are those believing they can always find a bigger fool to sell to.

Mainstream financial media makes money by keeping market sentiment bullish, so they provide a medium for
- Asset managers, who make money by keeping market sentiment bullish
- Banks, who make money by keeping market sentiment bullish
- Exchanges, who make money by keeping market sentiment bullish
- Financial advisors, who make money by keeping market sentiment bullish

= > Bubbles pop way before we see it in mainstream media and market price.

My opinion is that one should either stay out right now - or make bets to the downside if have the stomach for it. I personally trade the VIX, but I would not recommend this to most!


I wish you al well!
Bearish PatternsChart PatternsTechnical Indicatorssp500indexSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend AnalysisVIX CBOE Volatility IndexVIXY

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