Stabilized after liquidation break

By insyyte
Living up to the volatility expected in quad witching week RTH session opened about 2.5%, algo's liquidation break slammed SPY down to almost 0%. BTD bulls came in to stabilize market to finally close SPY up 1.9%.

SPY at 312.96, comfortably above support.

ES futures are again buoyant up +17.25 handles as of now suggesting SPY open about 0.5% higher.

FED chair speaks again today at the House. Expect him to reiterate that the FED will do whatever is needed to keep the economy from rolling over. Bullish for markets.

But if FED chair says some words that are percieved as not so supportive then the market is be ripe for another liquidation break.

SPY fulcrum remains 300.

Indicator developing cautionary divergence.

Chart PatternsesfuturesfederalreserveSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend Analysis
