Some thoughts on the changing market.

By now most have figured out the Trend is over, The Market has suddenly changed since Mid November. Trade wars and much profit taking.

I am in the Auto Industry and have noticed a surge in retirees buying Luxury SUV's and High end sports cars. And in my region, the million dollar homes are selling like they are on sale. Clearly, some folks are taking profits.

The market has changed, to a ranging market, which is beginning look a lot like 2014-2015. For me, my value system is no longer valid. However, I can easily be adapted to a ranging market.
If you have only one or two tricks, it might be time to adapt them to the changing market.

Please add your comments on how you have adjusted to these new market conditions. In advance, thank you for your comments.
My Investment strategy for this ranging market is to seek out Canadian Growth High and Mid Cap stocks with good to excellent Div Yields. 4%>9%
For tax reasons I will avoid most American Stocks. But the idea works for either market should you be American.

My Canadian sectors of interest are;
Energy - the time has come to become involved in this sector again, most of this sector is at the Fib 236 pullback zone... that's pretty deep, definately looks like many are ready to turn, and some have already done that in the past few weeks.

1. Energy might be a good sector play for the next few quarters for me.
2. Also Utils Sector, always a great choice for decent dividends.
3. And of course financial sector, steady decent dividends are expected by most Canadian banks and institutions.
That takes care of my investment re-adjustment for the year.
4. I am leaving a decent chunk of cash available for my morning day trading/scalping activities. Any profits, go into one of the above sectors.
5. Every month, any and all overtime and or bonuses goes into my TFSA account.

This is not Financial Advice, just sharing my thoughts and how I am approaching the current market conditions.
Beyond Technical AnalysischangeoftrendendoftrendTrend Analysis
