SXP bottomed out at 0.71 USDT

I Bought SXP at 1.15 USDT I feel we can see some nice upside in this graph.

My Targets

TP (1) 1.72 USDT is 50% Profit
TP (2) 2.35 USDT is 105% Profit
TP (3) 3.36 USDT is 190% Profit
TP (4) 4.09 USDT is 256% Profit
TP (5) 5.01 USDT is 338% Profit

You can keep moving your stop loss up as we go through the take profit zones or you can sell slowly as we go up.
I am aiming for us to go around 3 USDT a coin but I added extra take profit points for if we overshoot.
I would recommend slowly taking profit as we go up.

Good Luck!

Not Financial Advice trade at your own Risk.
Bullish PatternsChart PatternsLONGSXPSXPUSDTTrend Analysis
