Atlassian seems to want to surpass the recent highs

Atlassian is a software company that produces services for management and collaboration within the working groups.

A hot topic today, considering that many companies have decided, first for the covid and now because they have realized that work goes on even faster, to make work their staff remotely or from home and without time or office constraints.

This is surely the revolution of the century as far as the world of work is concerned and all the previously existing preconceptions about the fact that the staff had to necessarily live in the offices for at least 8 hours a day have been overcome.

Many companies have managed to reduce costs, others to give a higher quality to the work of their employees, thus encouraging greater collaboration and better productivity.

Many have done so, and many are still adjusting, but one thing is certain: those who produce software for business collaboration can only benefit from this office revolution.

In fact, the Marketmiracle advisor that identifies the interests of the various market players has provided an input signal for the company TEAM or Atlassian that produces some of the main software.

The signal is a LONG input at a price of 250.42 usd for a target of 288.71 usd with a potential profit of 15.29 % really not bad if it came true for a company of this caliber.

From the fundamental point of view according to some sites that I follow as a reference Atlassian seems to be below its fair value and seems to be solving a large part of its debts, with a year-on-year growth forecast by the very high analysis.

It would seem that everything is in order for a further price increase.

Analyzing the graph we realize with the company is already close to its maximum and this further push would lead you to touch up its absolute maximum.

I decided to take a position on the title, I think there may be an even brighter future in this particular moment that has certainly hurt us very much from the health point of view but taught us many other things from the point of view of work and human.

This idea is based on a signal generated by the advisor Marketmiracle, down on this page you will find the link to the page of signals of the advisor that you can see for free without any cost or registration
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