Telcoin Weekly Analysis to $0.50

By CryptoMitchX
Telcoin Analysis by CryptoMitchX

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, this is just my interpretation of the chart data.

Weekly Chart Analysis

The Bull Market started for Telcoin on the 16th of October 2023. That is when it broke out of the 125-week (875 days) long downtrend.

Using the Visual Range Volume Profile (VRVP) we can see the following (in order of most to least relevant):

  • Previous VOLUME HOT ZONE

  1. The point of control from November 2023 to now is $0.00237
  2. $0.0015 is a significant level with strong volume going back to Dec 2021. This support level should be on your charts. It remains the strongest level even in July 2022.
  3. There was a lot of historical volume between the $0.003 support and the $0.00015 support. I am 99% sure we won’t ever touch the $0.0003 support ever again.


  1. $0.004 to 0.007 has quite a bit of build-up of volume.
  2. $0.018 does too
  3. $0.034 does too

How do we predict the price discovery?

I’m going to do it two ways. One way is using the previous bar patterns, and the other is by drawing it on the chart myself assuming the next 18 months will be a bull market with the Bitcoin Halving and the introduction of the 11+ Bitcoin ETFs. These are all estimates. I’m not willing to do technical analysis above $0.50 because it becomes incredibly inaccurate, however, it is theoretically possible Telcoin could hit $10 I don’t know how high it will go, so I can’t comment on that.

Slow Way:

Weekly Bar Pattern Analysis

One option to read price discovery

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, this is just my interpretation of the chart data.

If we grab the bar pattern for the price action for the date range 30 March 2020 to 10 May 2021. Then over lay that on the current price starting at 16th of October as the repeat of late March 2020. Then we get the following results.

Note: This is objective data not subjective opinion.
Note: My lower target for the bull run remains unchanged at $0.23 USD.

Estimated Dates and Prices:

  • Feb 2024: Price at $0.0015 support
  • March 2024: Price at $0.0038
  • August 2024: Price at $0.007
  • September 2024: Price at $0.035
  • Early November 2024: $0.065
  • Late November 2024: $0.23 (parabolic end)

Fast Option
This is more likely because of the Fundamental changes since the last bull run. Telcoin progress and adoption + Bitcoin ETF macro-fundamentals.

This is hand-drawn so less accurate. However, I am taking into consideration the fact that this bull market has more participants in it, Telcoin has better fundamentals, and the inflow of capital will be huge. I’m also using the support and resistance levels and Volume Profile information to show me where the pumps and pullbacks might be.

It is not wise to estimate price direction past 50 cents as that is already a lot of speculation.

Estimated Dates and Prices

  • Jan 2024: $0.007
  • April 2024: $0.0018
  • July 2024: $0.03 - 0.04
  • August 2024: $0.065 (this date feels late to me)
  • October 2024: $0.23 (this feels about right)
  • Feb 2025: $0.50 (this is hard to predict accurately, but giving my best shot at it)

I will do a short-term chart soon because if I add that info to this chart it won’t look as clean.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, this is just my interpretation of the chart data. I'm trying to do the best I can for the Telcoin community.
Trend Analysis
