Black Sale Thursday Market

This isn't a market prediction and any others usefull tools. This is remembrance about next #ThursdayBlackSale; great opportunity to take more stuff, or perhaps, take a cold bath for each others. Since this bath isn't very deep and have only 500 trillion water units - it shows that he likes to repeat the history, and again and again, and even 40% a day to pump-out isn't kind of problem. We was really greedy last few weeks. Crucial moment for this diary is 01.12.2020, when important for me lines will cross over and shows me, if we are still in upper line of price channel, or we are on the other side and test 50MA. BTC, ETH same. Time to save some money for christmass.
ps. it's a bit annyoing this evning, that I can't choose the right colors to see more clearly

Beyond Technical AnalysisBTCUSDETHUSDfeargreedindextotalmarketcapTrend Analysisupper_channel
