
Tesla Buy setup

By Nasdaq_Diaries
ESP released this week with forecast at 0.44$ for the last quarter up from previous 0.02$.

Analysts at Goldman Sachs suggest they'll settle at 28%, up from 20% currently. Another question is whether the tax will be applied retroactively or not.
The last time capital-gains taxes were hiked, in 2013, the wealthiest households sold 1% of their equity assets, the Goldman analysts found. According to the Federal Reserve's distributional financial account data (link), the top 1% held $17.79 trillion of equities and mutual funds in the fourth quarter of 2020 -- so a 1% selling of stocks this time would be $178 billion.

Technically the market has been in a corrective state following the sell off. I will be looking for longs at the right point where the market presents clear indications. The above setup is what I see for now unless another view presents itself.

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EPSPEsharesStocksteslaTrend AnalysisTesla Motors (TSLA)
