
Kimbal Musk dumped 150.000 TESLA shares. OMEGALUL :D

I cannot link here but the file is on the SEC (evil shortseller enrichment commission). He sold at 306$ too.
I don't know how to read this, did he sell to his brother? Well anyway, looks like some distibution, and company is going really bad.

I know every one that is in love with Elon Musk hates to see this, but hey he lost his mind. I have never seen someone that is not an "uneducated member of the herd" get THIS delusional. He promises every one shortsellers will get destroyed, then when it does not happen he blames the SEC. The typical thing you would expect from a complete moron but not someone like this. "Why did the SEC do nothing to stop the selling? Why are we not protected". NO, this guy goes one step further and claims the SEC are hating him to help shorts make money.

There is someone that went to Tesla Motors Club forum and told them he was a short seller and wanted to have a productive conversation, the hate he got XD
So I don't know if I want to try talking to these savages. I got my hands full with crypto cultists, don't need to go talk to more crazies.

"Weak hands" is just another term for "not lunatics" I swear.

All eyes on the 250$ area, I am really curious to see what happens next. We could start a new bull run, won't last long or go very far in my opinion if that happens.

In the greater scheme, I think the next 50 years the stock market "big thing" will be about renewable energies (just like the past 50 years 1970-2020 were about communication, computers, the internet, a new stock exchange Nasdaq), Tesla are the first ones to be this big, obviously this company is an important pioneer.
The 50 years cycle should end soon (even if it is in 3 years it is soon we are talking about 50 years market cycles here), I might invest in Tesla, I do not mind the loonies as long as no one goes full Eugene and brings a backpack full of AR-31 at the office if you know what I mean.

I might update this idea with a few lunatic quotes from delusional crazy bagholders :D
And of course, if we move from that boring distribution area that lasted 1 year already...
Someone made a poll:
Which future are you most confident about: Bitcoin or Tesla.

50/50 (6800 votes at the moment)
The FBI is reviewing Tesla's Model 3 production numbers as part of an ongoing criminal probe into whether the company misled investors.
Now it's not me saying it, it is legit science people, the International Energy Agency exactly.

Driving electric cars and scrapping your natural gas-fired boiler won’t make a dent in global carbon emissions, and may even increase pollution levels.

Driving electric cars and scrapping your natural gas-fired boiler won’t make a dent in global carbon emissions, and may even increase pollution levels.

Driving electric cars and scrapping your natural gas-fired boiler won’t make a dent in global carbon emissions, and may even increase pollution levels.

Driving electric cars and scrapping your natural gas-fired boiler won’t make a dent in global carbon emissions, and may even increase pollution levels.

Driving electric cars and scrapping your natural gas-fired boiler won’t make a dent in global carbon emissions, and may even increase pollution levels.

Driving electric cars and scrapping your natural gas-fired boiler won’t make a dent in global carbon emissions, and may even increase pollution levels.

Driving electric cars and scrapping your natural gas-fired boiler won’t make a dent in global carbon emissions, and may even increase pollution levels.

Here. We have to spam these idiotic bagHODLer praying to their cult leader Elon Musk with this. They are so stupid, amazing. And they think 1k is too low for Tesla shares and keep buying more. They are going to get hit so hard and end up homeless it's going to be awesome.

Disclaimer: I do not own a car and never plan on having one. I never skip leg day, every day is leg day.
All these useless lazy fat plebs, rather than blow some billionaire that lost his mind, maybe they should start walking or use public transport.

Trash cars, expensive, unreliable, trash, unconvenient as good luck if you are crossing the desert you always need a charger in proximity, plenty of assembly issues, plenty of waste to create them too, and ZERO advantage for the environment. Cool. How do I NOT order a tesla car?

Eventually in 50+ years we might just have massive nuclear farms for electricity that don't "pollute", but do we need cars that bad? Can't people use their legs? Too fat and too lazy? Some tramway train or plane are enough for long distance trips.

One can go to the wall mart without a car I did it and anyway most of the time you do not even need to go there there are local stores every where. When I lived in the USA a couple of months I had a 247 Kmart 5-10 minutes away in a nice suburb with easy access and everything, I was amazed that every one went there with their cars. Muscles so attrophied they can't carry packs of water? Too lazy to go there more than once a month got to buy a ton too much to carry?

The best future is wasting less... anyway there won't be a future with cars everywhere NO MATTER WHAT:
Scenario 1: people adapt and stop driving all the time.
Scenario 2: people do not adapt keep getting fater and lazier and DIE. Problem solved. Morbidly obese have a life expectancy of like 35 years lmao, and fat people kids have bad genes and live less long so...

Either way the result is the same XD

But every one is free to do what they want with their money.
Invest in whatever you would like.

Just giving my opinion which is not in favor of calling Elon the messiah, quite the opposite...
Cocky tesla bears launched a site, teslaq, where they post pictures of factories and cars.
I find this so very amusing.
I am sure there will be some interesting events / posts on there.
I think every one around Tesla sold :p
And then even the die hard close Elon allies started attacking him.
And then it all fell apart.

It was all bound to happen. Purely based on fundamentals I suppose we should call this.
Problem is short sellers waited 1 year or more. Yes I am pretty convinced Tesla complacency is over, and 250 never again.

There will be a denial, 150-200 maybe. I wonder how long it lasts. Probably a long time. Even with Elon die hard allies openning their eyes, lots of shares are in the hands of delusional retailers that will HODL.
Will be great to follow this security fraud story, and learn from it. TSLAQ.

bagholdersEconomic CyclesSupport and ResistanceteslaTrend Analysisusstocks

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