Elon Musk the crook of the century part 2

By MrRenev
People defending Elon Skum, this shameless charlatan carnival barking pathological liar.
As always, they ignore the evidence and their "points" are about how I smell like pee-pee, how we that criticize the biggest scammer of the century hate him because we are jealous, got rejected by the opposite gender etc.

I am serious when I say he is the crook of the century. His lies, by their numbers, and by their grandiose nature, are so big, a part 2 was necessary.

Take Enron. Big. But Elon scams are much bigger and there are several of them. At least Tesla is much bigger than Enron.
Elizabeth Holmes? Quite the manipulator. But Elon tricked way more money AND way more people. And convinced them of even more grandiose claims.

Tell me he is not a crook when:

- While trying to sell SolarCity to Tesla by convincing shareholders, he went to the set of desperate housewives and claimed the house behind him was covered in solar panels that worked. Not only did they not work but THERE WERE NO SOLAR PANELS AT ALL. It was just a regular house and he completely fabricated a lie. Unarguable & undeniable. A big fat lie. SolarCity was deep in debt, and who did the sale of it to Tesla benefit? Elon and his 2 cousins. And what did he do with the company after the purchase? Fire most employees, and over 10 years divide the energy it generated by 10.

- Tesla bought cells from China - to build solar roofs - rather than their declared partner Panasonic, to keep costs down. Their solar roofs that since then have a tendency to catch fire :)

- Buffalo Billion: Elon Musk scammed Cuomo, assuming he was not in on it. New York taxpayers were defrauded of $1 billion (958 million) to build a Tesla solar panel factory In Buffalo. Auditors went to the factory and concluded the whole thing and the equipment inside was worth just under $75 million. Where did the remaining 880 millions go? He didn't just make gullible investor money disappear, but even an entire state now!


- Another reason why he is the crook of the century: He somehow tricked NASA. See, they're not that smart! NASA became reliant on SpaceX to send astronauts to the ISS, obvious spaceTroll did not deliver, and then NASA spent billions for seats on Soyuz rockets and later I think Boeing.

- In September 2016 SpaceX destroyed Facebook satellite, months after Elon Crook announced his competing Starlink, and right after destroying FB satellite and setting them years behind, Elon Skum proceeded to put his Starlink in orbit. No conclusive evidence that I know of, but who knows what we may find with time?

- Neuralink is trying to link prosthesic arms with minds, to help amputees. Elon Musk, being the perosn he is, simply can't help but lie.
He just cannot resist lying, it's in his nature. So he came up with nonsense and told the whole world about Neuralink allowing humans to do telepathy (I just crack up when I hear this, how does the room not just explode in tears of laughter when they hear this?), he added the magical technology could be used to play video games, download a new skill in your head (wat?), and transfer your soul to a younger body (???).
How ignorant do his fans have to be to fall for this? It's like I start building a rocking chair and then make claims about how next I'll design it to throw delivery packages around the world, how I'll build an improved rocking chair that will send (catapult) people to the moon, it will be motorized to enable fast travel with its rocking power! Sounds absolutely ridiculous and more than far fetched? Welcome to Musk world. It's a mystery to anyone that understands anything about absolutely anything, how people can listen to his crazy ramblings.


- New York again! During the early covid pandemic, Elon Skum promised NYC ventilators. You know, the big machines you can find for 30,000 euros.
What he sent was... some weird sleep apnea boxes you can find on Amazon for a few hundred bucks. And not even new ones but second hands.
He put them in boxes, slapped a few Tesla stickers on the boxes, and called it a day. Some people actually fell for that. "Ventilators" XD It's really funny. The people that fell for this are today nowhere to be find, probably they returned to their homes in the sewers to avoid being made fun of.

Compare this to british billionaire inventor Sir James Dyson who in 10 days designed a ventilator, sold 10,000 to the UK and donated 5,000 to hospitals with an urgent need. Of course he didn't get much praise as he was a vocal supporter of Brexiters, you probably didn't even hear of it. Elon Musk should take notes, this is what a genius inventor should look like. 10 days. Elon Musk could not even figure out what a ventilator looks like. Man how did this clown send plastic sleep apnea devices? I'm dying 😂 Even I, with 0 medical knowledge, I even quit biology at school at 15, could tell the difference immediately.

Elon Musk in his close to 30 years career has only made grandiose promises, has never designed anything legit, and has NEVER EVER delivered.
Haha remember when he had a plan to save the kids trapped in a cave?
Please tell me this crook crazy ramblings won't turn into a religion.
Take the craziest things religions claim. Elon Musk claims are often even crazier, and scientifically less plausible.
At least religions did not claim it was reality but magic and the power of god. Musk is saying he's using rational science. And some people believe him 🤦‍♂️.
I did not quote any sources, here are most of them, so you can check yourself, and read more about it if you are interested (some of those are quite funny, some epic fails, and NASA being boiling with anger at a Musk with a chill casual attitude while they still have to rely on russians because SpaceX simply does not deliver even after years and billions invested in them).

Tesla shareholders sued EM over the SolarCity merger: bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-09-09/musk-deposed-in-class-action-lawsuit-over-tesla-solarcity-merger

Here is a link of some of Elon's lies with the source for each and every one. About 1/3 or half of what I listed is in here: elonmusk.today/

Articles about Elon Musk saying he wants to use Neuralink to give humans ridiculous superpowers, he made claims in various livestreams and interviews I don't have the links:

NBC has a video (youtube has plenty too) of the AMOS-6 explosion (Facebook satellite that was destroyed by spaceX):

May 2015 SpaceX FCC filing showing they have plans for their own AMOS-6 competitors

Hahaha the ventilators one, what a joke, zerohedge got us covered with all the sources, and hilarous screenshots:

James Dyson a REAL genius inventor and billionaire that earned his billions designing REAL ventilators in 10 days:
Another of our best individuals that just left for Singapore because of taxes...
And an exchange between him and the UK PM about these taxes:

NASA STILL having to secure seats with the russians in 2021 because SpaceX STILL is unreliable (in 2020 they said they were quitting their reliance on Soyuz):

NASA head ANGRY with Elon Scam:
EarningselonmuskfraudGrowthpyramidschemeSCAMTesla Motors (TSLA)Value

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