The start of a long train wreak

By Joshuakm
So in conclusion, with the merals issue, supply issue, housing issue, inflation issue, investors heads in the sand issue, tech issue, incompetent leaders (all of them) issue and FED issue. This chart being a fraction of a fraction of a percent from inversion in 10-7 and already inverted in 30-20 makes more sense then the random PPT rally an hour before close today.
The trajectory in my honest opinion is downward for markets and the economy and inversions in the bond market. It appears the bonds are signaling a new black swan, this we will have to wait and see (reference .com, 08, 2014 and the pandemic for more)

There will always be gains and plenty of ways of making money during this downturn, always is. Nothing goes straight up or down without the inverse being true too. I am calling for a missive recession, tho this is just my opinion.
Let me know what you think? Can the FED save the day? Do you see a recession? I want to hear your thoughts below.
bondsbondspreaddepressiondoomfeevrwarningsystemfeevrwsFundamental Analysisrecession

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