
Correction inbound?

In 2008 over leverage of 440 billion, to todays (2021) 900 billion.
2008 inflation rate 2021

May 4.2 April 4.2
June 5.0 May 5.0
July 5.6 June 5.4
August 5.4 July 5.4
Sure just numbers right? Lets look at the months prior to the big change
2008 2021
January 4.3 January 1.4
Feb 4.0 Feb 1.7
March 4.0 March 2.6
April 3.9 April 4.2

The percentages in 2008 were slow yet very high. In 2021 we went from one extreme to another.

Banks selling assets, at an unfathomable amount and rate
** reverse repurchases exceeding 1 trillion a day for the second time this year and will probably do so again today
SEC, DTCC, and SSTC passing rules and regulations at an unprecedented rate
Massive amounts of covid-19 relief money infused by new investors Crooked brokerages working with one of the largest market makers who now know your every move.
Naked shorts, and meme stocks. Failure to delivers

US 10yr rate approaching 1.0 return

0.608 - 1.778
PRICE 99 1/32
Please add if I am missing any other signs that point to a 20 to 30% market CORRECTION ( Not a bear Market).

All of these things and if you look at the SPY Chart, even when nobody was working and freeways were dead and police officers were stopping no one from speeding, the SPY chart looks like a ramp Evil K'nevil wouldn't jump from.

Let's also remember we have 10.8 million US households that are going to be affected by the rent moratorium expiring on 08-31-21 with a congress that is adjourned for the next 7 weeks ( I want seven weeks off) . That's 1 out of every 6 renters ready to be evicted from their dwellings.
Also we have debt ceiling about to be breached.
AMCAPEapesBeyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsdumbmoneyGMES&P 500 (SPX500)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) stonksTrend AnalysisVIX CBOE Volatility Index

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