Gather around....I have short story to tell

Once upon a time, in a town called Sweetville, there lived a child named Lily, whose love for cookies knew no bounds. From the moment she took her first bite, a magical spell was cast upon her taste buds, and she became powerless to resist the sweet temptation.

Lily's days revolved around cookies. She couldn't stop eating them—chocolate chip, sugar, oatmeal raisin—they all captivated her senses. The more she indulged, the deeper she fell into the clutches of her insatiable cravings.

As Lily grew older, her addiction to cookies became more pronounced. She spent every penny on her sweet obsession, neglecting her chores, studies, and even her friendships. The town's bakery thrived, fueling her addiction and turning her into their most loyal customer.

But as Lily's cookie consumption skyrocketed, the economy of Sweetville began to crumble. People's focus shifted from productivity and innovation to indulgence and immediate gratification. Businesses suffered as resources were drained to feed the endless demand for cookies. Jobs were lost, and families struggled to make ends meet.

Sweetville's once-thriving economy turned into a ghost town, its streets filled with empty storefronts and shattered dreams. Lily's uncontrolled cookie consumption had inadvertently become a symbol of society's unchecked greed and excess.

The economy crashing was a wake-up call for Sweetville. People realized that balance and prudence were essential for a stable and prosperous community.
This chart is more relevant than ever.

Pay attention to the teal colored Personal Savings (PSAVERT) line.

The question you should ask is what happens if the market turns down severely and the Consumer has no money to weather the storm?

You already know the answer.

Time to batten down the hatches people!

If you havent been preparing then you need to start immediately.

P.S. the reduction of the balance sheet may end up being a huge catalyst for this downturn..huge signal that the Fed is done propping up the market- for now
Fundamental Analysis

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